Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Ok, so I promised Nicole one day that I'd take the camera to school to show what I do all day. Well, I procrastinated forever, but I finally took it to school the last Wednesday!So this is how I spent my last semester of my sophomore year.

First hour.....Geometry with Ms. Eastwood! Nobody talks in that class, so it's always really silent and you feel like everybody's listening in when you're trying to have a conversation..

This is Elizabeth, and she basically saved my life. Otherwise, I would have gone insane in that class. We're like...two of the four people that actually talk in class. She's hilarious, so we have a lot of fun in there.

Actual math homework! Our ginormous review packet.

Second hour: Chemistry. This is what it looks like when I walk in because I get there so early..
Least favorite class, for sure. Partly because it's taught by the worst teacher I've ever had. Ah well, at least I'm almost done with it!

Perla, one of the most unintentionally funny people I have ever met. Unfortunately, we were taking a test today, so I couldn't take more pictures.

Third hour: Drama! By far my favorite hour, because I'm a student aide so I sit in the back and do nothing! :] Really though, it's a lot of fun.

Jordan, the other student aide. He looks thrilled.

Navarro, the weirdest teacher I've ever had.

See what I mean?? I fear for my life sometimes =P

Michelle, one of the many many awesome people in drama!

Stage crew member Adrian doing his model hairflip :P
I didn't get any pictures during Seminary (my fourth hour) .

Lunchtime! Sitting with Jessica

Laurel and Lauren

And Emily
Tres sits with us as well, and I have pictures of my fifth and sixth hours (English and photo) but this computer is being weird so I can't post them. Oh well...until next year!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cori's Photography!

I have pictures this time! Hahaha, I figured out how to use our fancy scanner and have uploaded some of the pictures I've printed in photography.
First off, a picture of Tres on the swing at Woodglen Park. Seconds before I took this, we kept cracking up because she didn't know what face to make and she's trying very, very hard not to laugh!
Prom zombies! It looks like my eyes are closed.

Tres by herself...I really like this one!

Sedona landscape

Random flowers for Still Life photos
Slide Rock in Sedona
One of my very first prints...I want to make an 8x10 of this and put it on my wall.

I have about fifteen prints or so...but unfortunately I can't upload them all right now, so I'll save some for later! :]

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What Cori's Been Up To!

Ok, so I know both me and Ashley have been really lame about updating this, so since I promised Nicole I would do this (although I didn't bring a camera to school like I promised) I'm going to update on what I've been doing lately!

So as you may or may not know (for like the three of you that reads this :P) I work on stage crew for the plays Dobson puts on (and for the occasional Dobson Dance Company show). Last week was our final play of the year. It was the script from the movie 'Moonstruck'.

We usually have at least three weeks before a show to rehearse, get the set together etc., but for some reason the drama teacher decided to schedule the show the second week after the final DDC concert. Which meant the crew had less than a week and a half to build a really elaborate set. But since our building manager (my friend Christian) had lifeguard training every day after school that week, we had a three-day weekend to pull it off. So I got to school at about 11:30 that Friday morning, and all five crew members (plus Christian's mom and our stage manager's friend) stayed until 3:30; painting and re-painting platforms, wiring a lamp-post, and trying to figure out how to make a moon out of cardboard. Saturday I arrived around the same time, stayed until four, then came back at six and stayed until 10. Our set still wasn't done, and the first show was Tuesday.

Monday I went to my first three classes, but for the rest of the day stayed in the auditorium with other crew members, now scrambling to get everything done. Finally, Tuesday after school, we put the finishing touches on our stage. Three days and it was the most elaborate set I had ever seen our school do. Which isn't saying much, since I've only seen three of our plays, but it was still impressive :] Except I was dumb and didn't take pictures.

Anyways, Saturday was our last show, we tore down our beautiful set (with help from the cast) in less than an hour, and the crew had our traditional 'Stay-Up-Really-Late-And-Hang-Out-At-School' party. We rented movies, ate Taco Bell in the auditorium, then lowered the screen onstage and watched Monty Python. Not a bad ending to a stressful week.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sedona Trip

We had so much fun up in Sedona. We went up Schneebly Hill, and to Slide Rock. Here are some pictures!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Here's some pictures of my current project! The first pic is mainly the kid books from the garage. It was like finding treasure! lol All the Bernstein Bears books, Sesame Street, and Amber Brown! The middle pic is all our movies now neatly arranged instead of stacked on top of each other. The last one is of our newly painted shelf, its still a little empty but were working on it!

[You can see I am watching Gilmore Girls on the tv! ha ha]

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Its been a while so this post is going to be very long as I will try to recap everything that has happened recently. So these first pictures are of our wonderful trip to the Phoenix Botanical Gardens for Cori's 16th birthday. I am not much of a flower/ plant person like mom and Cori, but they had an exhibition of Chihuly glass which was pretty cool.
They hand blew each piece of glass especially for the Phoenix gardens, but they will eventually be moving around the country.

Our next adventure was hair! I permed my hair, while Cori died hers a little darker and cut it.Neither of the pictures are very good.. but you get the idea : )

That's it for our new adventures, here are some old pictures from Christmas!

Our wonderful family. I'm still not sure why they were holding hands...

And finally our lovely sister (this is what you get for making us post on our blog) lol We love you!
I can't figure how to get those lines so theyre not underlined!! It is driving me crazy!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Grandma's farewell

I know this was about a month ago since this trip.. sorry it took us so long to put these pictures up! Anyway We had a blast in Utah hanging with our family. This picture above is us waiting to get our 'professional' pics done. The two below are of us chillin' at the church! (We always have to get one of just us girls). The last one was Cori... she thought it would be awesome. haha it kind of is! Anyway we loved being up in Utah with our family and can't wait to go again for Christmas!