Hello there! This is the amazingly awesome blog of Cori and Ashley. Our sister inspired us to make one so here it is. We probably wont be on here that often but that's okay, if it's important we'll talk about it. Most people who read this know us pretty well but here is just a summary of what's going on in our lives.
I am currently in my second year at Mesa Community College. It's going pretty well I am taking a photography class which is fun, my teacher is a wack job but i like developing my pictures. I am also taking a introduction to art humanities class which is a lot more fun than i thought it would be. I am still working at Mervyns it is starting to suck but it's a job. And that is pretty much what i do all day every day.
I am a sophomore at Dobson High School, which is ok...it's just more school. But so far, it's fun. I love my drama class, because it's easy, fun, and my teacher's awesome. When I graduate, I'm hoping to become a costume designer for Broadway, but I don't really know where I want to go for college. But if I go to Southern California University, Ashley is going to come with me and be a celebrity assistant :) (Cause that is my dream job.)
Anyways, we'll try to post some pictures with our blogs soon, so have a fantastically awesome day! And eat your vegetables!